woman Nancy Barr‏‎
Married name: Dumble, born ‎1790 ohio, died ‎1836‎, 45 or 46 years

Married/ Related to:

man John B Dumble‏‎
Born ‎1790 Cornwall England, died ‎1862‎, 71 or 72 years
Masonic founder Mt Gilead Ohio ? 1848

Married to Hanah in 1860 age 56


man Joseph Wilson Dumble‏
Born ‎19 Sep 1830 Chambersburg PA, died ‎8 May 1897‎, 66 years. Occupation: Printer
Likely connection. It appears Mary Elizabeth may have died before 1860.

Joseph W. Dumble was born in Chambersburg, Penn., September 19, 1830. When nine years of age he went to Marion, Ohio, where he learned, the printer's trade. In 1853 he bought the Marion Independent, which he published until 1857. Having sold the Independent in the latter year, he soon after became the local editor of the Ironton (Ohio) Register, remaining in that position for seven years, when he removed to Marietta to take the local editorship of the Register. In 1872, he took an interest in the paper, but in 1876, sold out and came to Middleport. Mr. Dumble purchased the Meigs County News at this time, which he changed to the Meigs County Repulican. This paper has come to be one of the most reliable and interesting journals in the county. Under Mr. Dumble's judicious management its subscription list has kept pace with the constant improvement in its columns. Republican in politics, it is at once aggressive and alert in political matters. It is edited on the broadest principles of journalism. Mr. Dumble married Jennie E. Brice, in the year 1860, and six children were born to them: Jessie F., Fannie M. Bryan, Carl C., Nellie F., Laura M. and Fred M. Mrs. Dumble died March 21, 1883, October 14, 1885, Mrs. Anna E. Cheatham Van Duyn, eldest daughter of the late Dr. Van Duyn, of Middleport, Ohio, became his wife. For nine years Mr. Dumble was a member of the Harmar board of education. John Dumble, his father, was an Englishman, having been born at Cornwall in 1790. He came to the United States in 1820, and died in this country in 1862. Nancy Barr became his wife in 1821, and bore him six children, viz.: John B. (deceased), Martha A. Collins; William F. (deceased), Joseph W., Ephraim H. and Samuel R. The mother died in 1836.

This Bio was transcribed by Mark Meinhart from the History of the Upper Ohio Valley - Vol. II from 1891 by Brant & Fuller.

The many friends of Earl C Dumble will be pained to learn of the death of his venerable Col Joseph W Dumble which sad event occurred at his home at Middleport Ohio May 9 aged 67 years Col Dumble was one of the oldest printers in this section and at the time of his death was editor in chief of the Middle port Republican Herald While Mr Dumble was not a member of the typographical union yet his voice and pen were always raised in their behalf and he passed away loved and respected throughout a broad field of acquaintance Peace to his ashes John h Mason
Son of John Dumble and Nancy
Husband of Jennie Brice
Father of Laura Dumble; Nellie Dumble; Jessie Dumble; Fannie Dumble and 2 others
Brother of Ephraim Dumble; John Dumble; Martha Dumble and William Dumble
Half brother of Samuel Dumble
Dumble, Ann Eliza [Vanduyn]

Mrs. Dumble Dead
Mrs. Ann Eliza Dumble, widow of the late J.W. Dumble, former Editor of the Middleport Republican, died Tuesday at her home in Washington, D.C. The Dumble family was formerly well known in the upper end of Gallia County.

[Note: Death Certificate..Ann Elizabeth Dumble born Dec. 23, 1837 Meigs County, Ohio; died Feb. 18, 1920; age 82 years. Parents: William B. Vanduyn (born NJ) and Elizabeth Smith (born Ohio). Widow of Joseph W. Dumble. Burial Middleport, Ohio.]

Gallia Times
Feb. 19, 1920
Transcribed by F. K. Brown