![]() Married name: Shuler, born 15 Apr 1810 Reading Twp, Perry County OH, died 31 Jan 1897 Dover Twp, OH, 86 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Married 13 Nov 1831 Perry County, OH (51 years married) to: ![]() Born 9 Dec 1810 Sunbury PA Northcumberland County, died 16 Aug 1883 Dover Township Ohio, 72 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Marysville, OH Chairmaker Dry goods merchant 1880 census Appears to be member of Dover Methodist Episcopal Church in summer 1867 Union Cty history might be sister HISkEY, (Hiskey) ENOCH, born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Sept. 30, 1814 ; he came with his parents to Perry Township in 1839, and settled. He was brought up on a farm, and gave his attention to agriculture. On June 25, 1840, he was united in matrimony to Nancy A. Shuler; she was born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Aug. 28, 1820, and came to Ohio in 1840; they then moved on Sec. 11, Perry Township, where they resided until 1875, when they moved into a dwelling which he erected near the Salem Lutheran Church is Jefferson Township. Mr. Hickey united with the Salem Lutheran Church. In 1860, and his wife a few years after. Their children, in the order of their ages, are Margaret Ann, born April 9, 1841; George S., Dec. 8, 1842; Jeremiah, June 12, 1847; Sarah Samantha, Jan. 10, 1850; Mary A., March 13,1853; Ann Eliza, Aug. 6, 1855; Oliver, Sept. 29, 1858. Jeremiah died Oct. 14, 1860; Sarah S., April 21, 1851. Mr. Hiskey owns 158 acres of land in Perry Township and 181 in Jefferson. In 1879, he erected another dwelling-houes on his Perry Township farm Individual: Pg. 58a Pg. 173D occupation: merchant Marion A. Shuler is living with them. He is in tile mfg. New Dover, Union, Ohio 1980 Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birth Occ F M's Birthplace William SHULER Self M Male W 69 PA Merchant PA PA Sarah SHULER Wife M Female W 70 OH Keeps House PA OH Marion A. SHULER Son S Male W 32 OH Tile Mfg. PA OH Robert L. DUPLER 5055 Jameson Drive Columbus, Ohio 43232 Descendants of Franz Schuller WILLIAM A.4 SHULER, SR. (JOHANN VALENTIN3 SCHULLER, VALENTIN2, FRANZ1) was born December 10, 1810 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and died August 16, 1883 in Dover Township, Union County, Ohio. He married SARAH DUPLER. She was born April 15, 1810 in Perry County, Ohio. More About WILLIAM A. SHULER, SR.: Fact 1: 1850, Chair Maker22 Fact 2: 1860, Dry goods merchant23 Fact 3: 1870, Farmer24 Fact 4: 1880, Merchant25 Fact 5: 1855, Succeeded Calvin Richey in the mercantile business26 Fact 6: 1881, Retired from the mercantile business and was succeeded by his son William.26 Children of WILLIAM SHULER and SARAH DUPLER are: DAVID5 SHULER, b. October 04, 1832, Licking OH; d. January 27, 1908, Union County, OH LEANNE SHULER, b. 1835; d. Unknown; m. HENRY COLUMBER, February 27, 1856, Union Ohio WILLIAM A. SHULER, JR., b. 1844, Delaware county, Ohio; d. January 13, 1922, Ohio. MARION A. SHULER, b. September 1847, Union County, Ohio. SARAH A. E. SHULER, b. 1850. DANIEL V. SHULER, b. 1841, Delaware County, Ohio; d. UNKNOWN CHILD WHO DIED, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. They came to the West at an early day and settled in Delaware County, where they resided until he removed to this county in 1849 Union Cty History Children: 1. ![]() Born 4 Oct 1832 Licking County Oh, died 27 Jan 1908, 75 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Marysville, OH DAVID SHULER, carpenter, New Dover, was born in Licking County, Ohio, October 4, 1832. His parents, William and Sarah (Dupler) Shuler, were natives of Pennsylvania. He is the eldest of seven children, five of whom are now living. He passed hie early life on the farm and received his education in the common schools of the country. October 1863, he enlisted in Company B, Thirty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served in the Seventeenth Army Corps, mud participated in the battle of Baker's Creek, and then accompanied Gen. Sherman on the Atlanta campaign, and was active in all the battles in which the Thirty-second Regiment was engaged. He went throughout the march to the sea, and was in all the battles of that famous march. He was known as one of "Sherman's bummers." Subsequently he fought at Bentonville, N. C., and wag then marched to Washington, D.C., where he attended the grand review. He was discharged with honors at Columbus, Ohio, at the close of the war. He resumed his trade carpenter and followed it till 1873, when he engaged in getting Out spokes and felloe strips. In 1877, he began manufacturing, which he has since followed. December 28, 1858, he was married to bliss Clarissa, daughter of Willard and Mary (Poster) Edson, by whom he had four children, viz.: Willis V., Ellice V., wife of Edward Fleck; and Mary E.; Grace died aged seventeen years. Mr. Shuler is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. Politically, he is a Republican. He served one term as Township Treasurer. In 1861, he was appointed Postmaster at New Dover and has since held the office. The said David Shuler was born in Licking County in the State of Ohio and is 31 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, Sandy Complexion, Grey eyes, auburn hair and by occupation when enrolled a carpenter. see picture In the 1900 Ohio census, David's grandson, Dana, is listed as living with them. More About DAVID SHULER: Fact 1: 1861, Appointed Postmaster at New Dover, Ohio.33 Fact 2: 1870, Erected factory(manufacture heading,clothesracks,chair rounds) w/brother William33 Fact 3: 1880, John Oliver Wallace is a boarder.34 Fact 4: 1880, "Works spoke & stove factory"34 Fact 5: 1881, Withdrew from factory business w/brother William.35 Fact 6: October 18, 1863, Enlisted in the Army, 32nd Ohio Infantry/Company B. (Civil War - Union)35 Fact 7: July 20, 1865, Discharged from the Army (Civil War - Union)35 Notes for CLARISSA EDSON: In the census for 1900 her name is spelled as follows: LELARRISSA More About CLARISSA EDSON: Fact 1: 1880, Ohio Census - "keeps house" Children of DAVID SHULER and CLARISSA EDSON are: 37. i. WILLIS VICTOR6 SHULER, b. August 17, 1860, Dover Township, Union Co., Ohio; d. February 19, 1896, Dover Township, Union Co., Ohio. ii. ELLICE VICTORY SHULER, b. 1862; d. Unknown; m. EDWARD FLECK, November 23, 1881, Union County, Ohio36; b. Unknown; d. Unknown. iii. GRACE EDNA SHULER, b. 1864; d. 188137. Notes for GRACE EDNA SHULER: According to a "History of Dover Township," author unknown: "Grace died aged seventeen years." iv. MARY GENERVA SHULER, b. 1874. 2. ![]() Born 19 Jul 1835 Oh, died 21 Apr 1903 Union County Ohio, 67 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Marysville, OH 3. ![]() Born 1841 Delaware County OH, died Mt Herman Cemetery, Union County Ohio Plot: row 8, grave 19 4. ![]() Born 21 Sep 1847 Delaware County Ohio, died 21 Jul 1931 Dover Union County Ohio, 83 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Marysville, OH 20. MARION A.5 SHULER (WILLIAM A.4, JOHANN VALENTIN3 SCHULLER, VALENTIN2, FRANZ1) was born September 1847 in Union County, Ohio. He married FANNIE H. (?) 1887. She was born March 1864. Children of MARION SHULER and FANNIE (?) are: i. ELLIS D.6 SHULER, b. 1887. ii. HOWARD N. SHULER, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. iii. RUTH S. SHULER, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. 38. iv. CLARENCE A. SHULER, b. January 01, 1896; d. Unknown. 39. v. ORA SHULER, b. Unknown; d. Unknown. 40. vi. DWIGHT W. SHULER, b. February 21, 1900; d. June 08, 1966. 5. ![]() Born 20 Jun 1850 Dover Twp, OH Union, died 6 Mar 1857 Dover Twp, OH, 6 years, buried Mt. Herman Cemetery, Dover Township Union, OH 6. ![]() Born 28 Mar 1844, died 13 Jan 1922 Unioin County Ohio, 77 years, buried Oakdale Cemetery Marysville, OH WILLIAM A. SHULER, JR., manufacturer, New Dover, is a son of William A. and Sarah (Dopler) Shuler. The former was born in Northumberland County, Penn., December 9, 1810. The latter was born in Perry County, Ohio, April 15, 1810. They came to the West at an early day and settled in Delaware County, where he resided until he removed to this county in 1849. He settled in this township and engaged in farming until 1855, when he moved to this village, where he and his wife live in retirement in the seventy-second year of his age. They raised a family of five children, all of whom are living. The subject of this sketch was born in Delaware County in 1844, and in early life engaged in the harness and saddlery business. He was working at his trade until the time of his enlistment in the Union army in March 1864, when he joined Company F, Sixty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the he close of the war. He participated in the battles of Mill Creek, Ga., Resaca, Cassville, Dallas and Pine Hill, where he was wounded and sent to the hospital at Nashville. He rejoined the regiment at Atlanta, after recovery, and participated at the siege of Savannah, and at the letter place was obliged to suffer delay and confinement on account of his wound, but recovered so as to be able to join the regiment at Washington, D.C., and was a witness of the grand review. He was also with Sherman on his march to the sea. Mr. S. on retiring from the war, entered the mercantile trade in this place, which he continued about five years. Subsequently he became engaged in the manufacture of racks and chairs rounds, which he has carried on successfully to the present time. He again began in the mercantile business in this village, In November 1881, where he conducts a prosperous trade. He was united in marriage December 24, 1867, to bliss Allis Sevirn, a daughter of James Y. and Lucinda ( Koss) Sevirn. Mrs. Shuler is a native of Marysville, Union County. To this union one child was born, now deceased. Mr.Shuler and wife are connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church of this village and number among the young and energetic people of the county. William A. Shuler, Sr., succeeded Calvin Richey in the mercantile business in this village in 1855, where he was actively and success 378 - HISTORY OF UNION COUNTY. fully engaged, until he retired from business, and was succeeded by his son, the subject of this s etch, in 1881. wounded 3 8 1864 discharged 6 28 1865 ================ William Andrew Shuler, 1844 - 1922William Andrew Shuler was born on month day 1844, at birth place, Ohio, to William Andrew Shuler and Sarah Shuler (born Dupler).William was born on December 9 1810, in Sunbury, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.Sarah was born on April 15 1810, in Perry Co., Ohio, USA.William had 5 siblings: David Shuler, Leah Ann Clullumber (born Shuler) and 3 other siblings.William married Sophronia Allis (Alice) Shuler (born Severin) on month day 1867, at age 23 at marriage place, Ohio.Sophronia was born on May 26 1849, in Marysville, Union Co., Ohio, USA.William passed away on month day 1922, at age 77 at death place, Ohio.He was buried at burial place, Ohio. |